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Ground Breaking Aeroponic Farming System

Our latest aeroponic farming system is designed to grow a wide range of crops, including fruits, vegetables, salad greens, herbs, berries, tea, pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, and raw materials. The system can work in both vertical and horizontal planes, providing the greatest possible spectrum of crops.

The system features a unique growing cassette that allows us to propagate crops in a space-efficient manner. We can then insert the cassette into the farm frame, eliminating root shock and ensuring fast and efficient growth from day one. This cassette is the key to our system's success.

Our plants are propagated in horizontal trays and then transferred to either a vertical or horizontal system to grow on. This transfer is easy and efficient, ensuring that the plants continue to grow and thrive in the new environment.

Our aeroponic farming system is perfect for farms of all sizes, as it allows for the efficient use of space and resources. It is a sustainable and environmentally friendly way of growing crops, and we are proud to be at the forefront of this innovative technology.

When added to the farm frame the plants have their roots sprayed wioth a rich and balanced nutrient solution to ensure perfect growth conditions and maximum oxygen absorbtion at the root zone to facilitate vigorous growth and plentiful yields, not to mention outstanding flavours.

The vertical wall product can be stacked to any height and is ideal for large scale production of herbs and crops up to pepper size workflowed to use time and space efficiently.

The cassettes can also be inserted into horizontal farms to grow larger crops such as raspberry bushes, tea bushes and blueberries as below. This allows us to spray the roots st the perfect pH levels adn th perfect nutrient recipe to obtain maximal yields all year round.

Similarly, we can add short units into a farm that can retrofit to raised strawberry troughs to quadruple output by enableing you to grow 4 plants in the footprint of a single plant and cut water usage by 90% in one operation. Aeroponically grown strawberries regularly achieve 25% sugar content.

When you combine both horizontal and vertical methods, we can produce bountiful edible flower and vining crops with intense flavours and no insect damege, from a business perspective, this means you can produce outstanding crops with longer shelf lives out of season when the price is maximised.